Sonam Kapoor is known as the ultimate fashion diva of Bollywood. What with her amazing dressing sense, Sonam confidently flashes her assets. Recently she decked up in a plunging neckline designed by Toni Maticevski. It was a checkered bustier frill top with a matching full skirt and a lilac silk coat, which added an extra oomph to her style sense. While some time ago, Sonam had another cleavage revealing moment when she decked up in a lilac Prabal Gurung dress which had a deep cut.
While the actress knows how to deck up like a perfect fashionista, Sonam Kapoor has also had her share of disasters too.
And we take you through some of the fashion bloopers that the actress has made in the past few years.
Sonam Kapoor can carry off the most de-glamorous looks with grace and the most sizzling ones with equal ease. With her impeccable dressing sense, Sonam Kapoor has become Bollywood's best dressed. However she has had her low points too.
Like once for an event, Sonam sporting specs and was dressed up in traditional attire, complete with bindi and geeky glasses. It definitely was a far throw from the fashion image she has maintained.
While at the Cannes Film Festival in 2013, Sonam Kapoor held her ground high, she was seen in a rather unflattering outfit later. The actress opted for one of her favourite designers; Sonam was dressed in Jean Paul Gaultier Couture at the GQ Men of the Year Awards. It was a jumpsuit with a shimmery touch to it. The actress had paired it with huge coiled hoops. The look failed to accentuate her envious figure, nor did it up her style quotient.
Going to her Cannes style file, Sonam Kapoor experimented with her 2012 look. The fashion icon opted for a rather gothic styled outfit. Sonam Kapoor was dressed in a black gossamer ruffled neck Alexander McQueen Pre-fall 2012 gown. She was attending the premier of ‘Therese Desqueyroux’. A mid parting of her hair added to her not so happening look. The actress looks much pretty in light colours, which accentuate her bubbly personality.
In 2012, Sonam Kapoor opted for yet another of her favourites. Sonam was dressed in Jean Paul Gaultier for the promotion of her film Players in Dubai. It was an off shoulder white dress. It revealed just a bit more than needed. This designer outfit was meant to give a Greek look. But the plunging neckline showed off her cleavage in full view. Seems like Sonam tried her best to carry off this outfit, trying hard not to make a blunder.
Another disastrous appearance came from Sonam Kapoor in 2011. The actress was out to attend the Bombay Times 17th anniversary bash. Sonam was wearing Cavalli couture from a capsule red carpet collection. It was a shimmery gold, giving a feel of the years gone by. With hair tied back, Sonam Kapoor just could not carry off the classic look.
At another occasion, this super stylish babe went for a subtle look which was very unflattering. Anil Kapoor had held a special screening of Mission Impossible in Mumbai. Sonam attended the event in a designer one shoulder brown dress. She paired up the attire with shiny sandals and green earrings. Sonam's otherwise fashionable persona was missing from attire, a loose dress which added weight to her figure.
Sonam Kapoor is known for her weird experiments. However, this fashion queen can go wrong with those too. Way back in 2009, Sonam Kapoor was a part of an awards function.
Sonam made an appearance in what looked like a Greek styled attire. She had draped a white saree like a dress and dazzled up in heavy Indian jewellery. The look was definitely unattractive.
Sonam Kapoor has walked the ramp for several big names in the industry. Thanks to her envious frame and height, Sonam gets an edge on the ramp. The actress once walked the ramp for Anamika Khanna. Sonam was wearing a quirky dress, which had a lot of glimmer.
With her hair let open, Sonam Kapoor's fahionista persona was lost somewhere. A dhoti like bottom and a cleavage revealing top didn't seem to suit the actress.
While the actress knows how to deck up like a perfect fashionista, Sonam Kapoor has also had her share of disasters too.
And we take you through some of the fashion bloopers that the actress has made in the past few years.
Sonam Kapoor can carry off the most de-glamorous looks with grace and the most sizzling ones with equal ease. With her impeccable dressing sense, Sonam Kapoor has become Bollywood's best dressed. However she has had her low points too.
Like once for an event, Sonam sporting specs and was dressed up in traditional attire, complete with bindi and geeky glasses. It definitely was a far throw from the fashion image she has maintained.
While at the Cannes Film Festival in 2013, Sonam Kapoor held her ground high, she was seen in a rather unflattering outfit later. The actress opted for one of her favourite designers; Sonam was dressed in Jean Paul Gaultier Couture at the GQ Men of the Year Awards. It was a jumpsuit with a shimmery touch to it. The actress had paired it with huge coiled hoops. The look failed to accentuate her envious figure, nor did it up her style quotient.
Going to her Cannes style file, Sonam Kapoor experimented with her 2012 look. The fashion icon opted for a rather gothic styled outfit. Sonam Kapoor was dressed in a black gossamer ruffled neck Alexander McQueen Pre-fall 2012 gown. She was attending the premier of ‘Therese Desqueyroux’. A mid parting of her hair added to her not so happening look. The actress looks much pretty in light colours, which accentuate her bubbly personality.
In 2012, Sonam Kapoor opted for yet another of her favourites. Sonam was dressed in Jean Paul Gaultier for the promotion of her film Players in Dubai. It was an off shoulder white dress. It revealed just a bit more than needed. This designer outfit was meant to give a Greek look. But the plunging neckline showed off her cleavage in full view. Seems like Sonam tried her best to carry off this outfit, trying hard not to make a blunder.
Another disastrous appearance came from Sonam Kapoor in 2011. The actress was out to attend the Bombay Times 17th anniversary bash. Sonam was wearing Cavalli couture from a capsule red carpet collection. It was a shimmery gold, giving a feel of the years gone by. With hair tied back, Sonam Kapoor just could not carry off the classic look.
At another occasion, this super stylish babe went for a subtle look which was very unflattering. Anil Kapoor had held a special screening of Mission Impossible in Mumbai. Sonam attended the event in a designer one shoulder brown dress. She paired up the attire with shiny sandals and green earrings. Sonam's otherwise fashionable persona was missing from attire, a loose dress which added weight to her figure.
Sonam Kapoor is known for her weird experiments. However, this fashion queen can go wrong with those too. Way back in 2009, Sonam Kapoor was a part of an awards function.
Sonam made an appearance in what looked like a Greek styled attire. She had draped a white saree like a dress and dazzled up in heavy Indian jewellery. The look was definitely unattractive.
Sonam Kapoor has walked the ramp for several big names in the industry. Thanks to her envious frame and height, Sonam gets an edge on the ramp. The actress once walked the ramp for Anamika Khanna. Sonam was wearing a quirky dress, which had a lot of glimmer.
With her hair let open, Sonam Kapoor's fahionista persona was lost somewhere. A dhoti like bottom and a cleavage revealing top didn't seem to suit the actress.
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