Saif Ali Khan and Kareena Kapoor are expected to return to Mumbai by October 21 after the reception and ceremonies in New Delhi and Pataudi. As reported earlier in TOI Bebo will shoot her first item song post marriage with Salman Khan in Mumbai from October 22. After November 1 she will start promoting Talaash with Aamir Khan, while Saif will start shooting for Tigmanshu Dhulia's Bullet Raja in Madhya Pradesh.
The couple will fly to Gstaad, Switzerland in December for their annual vacation that will also double up as a honeymoon this time around. They will return to India by January 7, 2013 because Bebo starts shooting for Prakash Jha's Satyagraha on January 10 in Bhopal and Saif will promote Race-2 that releases on January 25, 2013.
The hotel in Gstaad where the couple spends their annual vacation is exclusively meant for royalty. In fact Saif is enrolled there as the Nawab of Pataudi. Even in the past years, Saifeena have been registering in the hotel as Mr and Mrs Khan. This time around, it will be no different.
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